Lesson 2 - Cherubim - Answer Sheet

- As Guardians of Eden:
- Genesis 3:24
- As flanking God's Throne:
- Psalm 80:1
- Psalm 99:1
- Isaiah 37:16
- As an image form hovering over the Ark of the Covenant:
- Numbers 7:89
- Exodus 25:18-22
- 1 Samuel 4:4
A very special thank you to one of my ROS sisters, Deb Allen, for this graphic!
- As the charriot of Jehovah
- Psalm 18:10
- Ezekiel 10:2-20
Lesson 3 - What Are They? - Answer Sheet
- Seraphim:
- 1. They were above the Lord as He was seated upon His Throne.
- 2. They were covering their faces & feet, while flying around the Throne, calling to one another.
- 3. They were saying "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory!"
- 4. The doorposts and thresholds shook, and smoke filled the temple
- 5. He realized how filthy he was in the presence of His Holy Lord, and thought he was finished! He cried out in anguish for himself and his people at what their lives represented.
- 6. One of them took a live coal from the altar and touched Isaiah's lips with it, speaking healing, and atoning peace into his life by saying, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for."
- Archangels:
- 1. A servant of God & a warrior
- 2. To announce the return of our Lord to earth & to fight against the enemy.
- 3. This is tricky. I've always been lead to believe that there were several, but the more I study, the more I only see one. Michael. That, along with the description, from the root word, leads me to believe that there is only one angel who has been given this title.