. . . Strong Biblical Counseling . . .
"Go ye into all the world, making disciples. . . " Matthew 28:19 - This IS our commission.
"Freely you have received . . . freely give . . . " Matthew 10:8 - This IS our motivation.
"Freely you have received . . . freely give . . . " Matthew 10:8 - This IS our motivation.
In July of 1995 Karin completed her training in Lay Ministry Training for Biblical Counseling through Neues Laben International out of the Quad Cities in Illinois (now known as Victorious Christian Living or VCL). It is with a heart passion, burning to help other women learn HOW to apply God's Word to their daily lives. To be able to walk in complete freedom, fully knowing their identity in Christ. Her desire is to not have them waste one moment of their Christian lives, by helping them to realize that they ARE daughters of royalty. Letting them KNOW They are loved, special, chosen, adopted and empowered to be mighty women of valor in and through every situation that they face. Understanding that they can allow God's healing balm to wash away all the hurt, pain, abuse, trauma, bad situations from the past, and use them for His glory as they in turn can begin to share their lives, their victories with others along the way.
Hearts have been healed. Wounds have been stripped away. Negative identities changed. Marriages restored. Hope renewed. Victories won! |
However, this is ALSO true of men as well . . . God wants MEN to realize that they are to be raised up to become the Mighty warrior princes in His Kingdom that He intended them to be - as He created them to be . . . so . . . He has laid it upon my heart to begin to create these teachings on podcasts - the work has begun . . . check our our classes, for more information contact us!
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