Lesson 3 - Paul's Guide to Joy (part 2) - Answer Sheet
- 1) True
- 2) False
- 3) False
- 4) - 8) are personal reflections . . . can be discussed in group time.
Lesson 4 - Paul's Guide to Joy (part 3) - Answer Sheet
- 1) Our salvation (with fear and trembling)
- 2) Be obedient to Christ and to His Word
- 3) God's work in us
- 4) We can become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in this crooked, depraved world we live in . . . we will shine forth as stars in the darkness!
- 5-7 These are personal questions, and great discussion tools in your groups. Answers will vary.
Lesson 5 - Paul's Guide to Joy (part 4) - Answer Sheet
- 1) In Heaven
- 2) Everything that was as a profit to him before he met Christ.
- 3) Rubbish (in the NIV) Worthless (in TNLT)
- 4) Press on; take hold of all that which Christ has given - eternal life
- 5) - 7) These are personal reflections, and also good discussion topics with your group.
Lesson 6 - Paul's Guide to Joy (part 5) - Answer Sheet
- 1) The answers to this question will vary - many will list out
- Not enough money
- Not enough time
- I need it more than the next guy
- I'm barely getting by as it is
- 2) yes and / or no will be personal . . . Verses 6-7 tell us clearly to not worry or be anxious about anything!
- 3) yes and / or no will be personal . . . Verse 8 directs us to think in the true, pure, noble, right, love, etc., if our thoughts are on our situation, our problems, on negative things . . . then our answer would have to be "no".
- 5) a. His secret was learning to be content in ALL things, no matter what his circumstances were, just to rest in Christ and be content.b. He KNEW that Christ was his source of strength in each and every situation, he could rest in that strength.
- 6) a. When we give out of ourselves (our resources, time, talent) God credits it to our account.b. God then will meet each and every need we have according to His riches in glory!
Lesson 7 Joy From a Peace Filled Life - Answer Sheet
Your own words as these Scriptures speak to your heart may vary from person to person and so will your "explainations" to your answers. Below are the answers as I see them, based upon The Word of God.
- 1) False - John 16:33
- 2) False - 2 Corinthians 1:18-22
- 3) True - John 14:27
- 4) True - Isaiah 43:13
- 5) False - Luke 11:11-13
Lesson 8 Answers
Your own words as these Scriptures speak to your heart may vary from person to person and so will your "explainations" to your answers. Below are the answers as the author of this study understands them, based upon The Word of God.
Copyright © kle 2000 Ministry Through Music
- 1) As we are in God's Kingdom - followers of and co-heirs with Christ, we live in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
- 2) As we love the Lord, continue in fellowship with Him, cherishing His Word, and going into His Holy house of worship . . . He fills us with His joy. As we spend time in His House, and in prayer, that joy just pours out upon us.
- 3) As His children, joy is our heritage . . . our heart is full of His joy.
- 4) We may be surrounded with anxiety, yet the Lord gives us consolation through our times of prayer and study, and that brings forth His joy.
- 5) An example of being quite afraid (within a situation and/or surroundings) yet full of joy in knowing that Jesus IS alive. That stirs up hope beyond compare, and causes our hearts to overflow with joy.
- 6) As God shines His face upon our lives - as we seek His face - He not only gives us His GREAT joy, but also grants us safe and peaceful sleep.
- 7) These three segments of Scripture speak to me of the joy we have in ministering to others, with others, and by being ministered to by others! Fellowship of the believers - joy!
- Jesus knew of His authority - being ONE with the Father - joy
- He knew that his disciples had a share in that authority - joy!
- He knew that their names were written in glory - He'd spend all eternity with them - JOY!
- He rejoiced at the Father revealing to the hearts of His disciples the things of heaven
- He knew that his disiples were blessed, that their eyes and ears had been opened to the Truth! JOY!
Copyright © kle 2000 Ministry Through Music