This quote in the subject line is from Ephesians 5:11. Are you familiar with that verse? What do you believe, or rather, do you think it has any application for Christians today?
Specifically, what use is this admonition to AMERICA'S Christians related to the political arena? Let me lay out how I see it; especially how the American Church has failed miserably to INFORM US! This is all related to the facts about Christians who came to America and WHY we came here! Beginning with the Puritans and the Pilgrims; both of these devout Christian groups risked everything in order to find FREEDOM to worship God and SPREAD the Gospel of Jesus. Starting with the Mayflower Compact these Christians made a COVENANT promise to God and themselves to stay true to their Biblical beliefs as they set foot on Plymouth Rock, New England. I forget the exact order which the Colonial Pilgrims undertook in setting up their Civil Social Government, but central to rule of social norm they established Biblical standards for acceptable behavior. A great resource for getting accurate historical information about the foundational Christian principles which made America great is Wall Builders; An interesting footnote of early Colonial America is how after the Puritans divided up some land for families to grow their crops, someone thought it would be a good idea for all of the families to bring their harvests to the town square. Here it would be distributed to all of the people. This first American attempt at Socialism turned out to be as disastrous as every attempt since! More than a few able-bodied farmers didn't try to work as much as they could have. They figured that whatever they needed would be supplied by others who worked harder. Hah! After that poor dismal attempt at "community farming", each farmer was made responsible for providing for their own families. The Founding Fathers were all believers in Biblical principles. Read the Declaration of Independence, to which they ALL signed their names. RISKING their lives by doing so. Fast forward to today; Donald Trump is the ONLY political leader who mentions American greatness and God in the same speeches. This is why I believe he's the only way for America moving forward.
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3/27/2022 0 Comments What You Don't Know Will Kill You!Here we are in America two years plus after the worst biological weapons attack in world history, and the facts of this attack are still unknown by the mass public! Here we are in America two plus years after this attack, and the mass public still refuses to acknowledge that we have been deceived and lied to! Here we are in America two plus years after, and though evidence is available to substantiate how we have been lied and deceived, and for the most part Americans (and so-called Spiritually discerning Christians) are all going along with the general official (FALSE) narrative!
"Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose" June 2021 CRACK NEWZ — A group of almost one thousand medical doctors in Germany called 'Doctors for Information', which is supported by more than 7,000 professionals including attorneys, scientists, teachers etc., made a shocking statement during a national press conference: 'The Corona panic is a play. It's a scam. A swindle. It's high time we understood that we're in the midst of a global crime.' " UPDATED 500 German Doctors; Spain 600 Medical MDs called 'Doctors for Truth' & Profs Natl Press Conference; USA Documentary 'PLANDEMIC' Exposes #COVID19 as Criminal Operation Supported over 27,000 Medical MDs #Corona #Covid" Without going through all of the information which proves that the Covid-19 Pandemic was preplanned, let me instead focus on one of the worst lies resulting from the Covid-19 Pandemic. The lies surrounding the official narrative of the Covid-19 vaccines safety. This honest and truthful information, which I am here providing, is purposely being kept away from the masses through the control of the Legacy Mass Media. Only by searching on the Internet for sources which have not been muzzled and silenced will you find for yourself the truth which I present here. "PFIZER WHISTLEBLOWER KAREN KINGSTON – VACCINE INGREDIENTS" Stew Peters With Karen Kingston – Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Kill Shot’ Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD! Main talking points: all of the COVID-19 "vaccines" are bioweapons there are 4 PEGylated lipid nano particles in the COVID-19 vaccines (PEG = polyethylene glycol): 1. a cholesterol lipid enables the vaccine ingredients to be transported by the blood 2. the phospholipid adheres to the cell membrane to make it permeable 3. an ionizable lipid provides a positive ionic charge so the mRNA can enter the cell 4. a PEGylated lipid made by SINOPEG, a Chinese company mRNA is very unstable, thus it needs a "biosphere" to protect it until it can enter the cell – this is provided by the lipid nano particles and graphene oxide which is 4,000 time stronger than titanium, can withstand 1,700 F temperatures, is an excellent conductor of electricity, and can host a magnetic field graphene oxide is not listed in the patent applications because a), it is poisonous to humans and b), because it is the main ingredient in hydrogel which can be used to create a brain-computer interface and a drug delivery system, though Kingston notes that this is not possible "with this round [of vaccines]" because "they rushed this thing out" and "they're just seeing how much they can put into people before they… die" the graphene oxide in the vaccines is neutrally charged (inactive), however if/when it becomes positively charged, such as by electromagnetic radiation (radio frequency, such as wireless devices, wireless networks such as 5G, etc.), it will annihilate anything it comes into contact with and therefore can cause great damage and death depending on how much of it exists in the body and where it is located multiple COVID-19 ""vaccines" and booster shots may increase the amount of graphene oxide in the body the COVID-19 vaccine study should have been stopped when, during a study with mice, 80% died within 24 hours and the remainder died within the next few days "Scientists from Chile find Graphene in AstraZeneca, Sinovac, and Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccines in Chile–Reported by La Quinta Columna, Chilean Radio El Mirador del Gallo, Orwell City" December 24, 2021 Scientists from Chile have now found graphene nanosheets and agglomerated graphene nanostructures self-assembling into meshes in vials of the AstraZeneca, Coronavac Sinovac and Pfizer Comirnaty vaccines distributed in Chile, using optical Confocal Laser Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and Transmission Electron Microscopy, according to La Quinta Columna scientists who have reported these findings at their web site after a broadcast at the Chilean radio station El Mirador del Gallo on the program Direccion Correcta. Graphene is a monoatomic layer of graphite being used in transistor and semiconductor technology (as in hundreds of other industrial applications) and newly in drug-delivery of cancer drugs and in nanobioelectronics such as nanobiosensors by way of its many attractive properties to bioengineers: it is highly electrically conductive and able to permeate the cell membrane; however it is known to be highly cytotoxic (toxic to cells) and genotoxic (toxic to genes) as well as magnetotoxic (changes cellular and bodily EMF) and probable cause for the biomagnetism being displayed by the vaccinated (which makes its use in bioengineering highly questionable), as discussed in earlier articles posted here: "Shocking News: Spanish Researchers Find 98-99% of Pfizer Vaccine Vial is Comprised of Toxic/Blood-Clotting Nano Graphene Oxide–Also Found in Flu-Vaccines & Now Seen to be True Cause of COVID-19" "Red Alert! Graphene Oxide Found in Pfizer/AstraZeneca Vaccines–Used in Biosensors and Neural Interfaces–Could Be the Secret Link to Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) Human-Machine Convergence for AI Singularity & Full Spectrum Brain/Bio Control Intended by Anti-Human Transhumanists, Globalists, Governments" Though the propaganda and the censorship designed to keep the truth about the Covid-19 Vaccine dangers and opposing views out of the mass consciousness, some doctors will speak truth nonetheless. Oftentimes at the risk of their career and even their lives! ""100,000 Doctors & Medical Professionals Oppose COVID-19 Vaccine" December 20, 2020 Media Blackout: Moderna's FDA Report Lists 13 Deaths in Vaccine Trials — 6 in Vaccine Group, 7 in Placebo: "The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. it is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists." ― G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State "Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." ~ Henry David Thoreau, (1847) Journals (1838-1859) "The true terrorists of our world do not meet at the docks at midnight, or scream "Allahu Akbar" before some violent action. The true terrorists of our world wear 5000 dollar suits and work in the highest positions of finance, government and business." ~ Peter Joseph, “Zeitgeist: Addendum”. Documentary, History, War, 2008. "The ex-Pfizer scientist who became an anti-vax hero" March 18, 2021 Michael Yeadon was a scientific researcher and vice president at drugs giant Pfizer Inc. He co-founded a successful biotech. Then his career took an unexpected turn. Naturally, the focus of the official narrative lies in keeping hidden and secret the true toll and dangers from these experimental vaccines! "‘Vaccine deaths are being hidden, suppressed and falsely recorded’ – Dr Herman Edeling" 15th September 2021 In August, Dr Herman Edeling wrote an open letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Minister of Health in which he addressed the health and economic crises that we are facing as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a neurosurgeon specialising in medico-legal practice, Dr Edeling is particularly qualified to comment on issues and concerns in respect of the Covid-19 vaccines as well as the arbitrary and parochial manner in which the South African government and health authorities have addressed the pandemic. Drawing on his expertise in medico-legal practice, Dr Edeling states that; ' In this global catastrophe, we have people expressing opinions and instructions – relying on their authority to do so, but not relying on reasons. And by not relying on reasons, they are neither relying on facts, nor on science, nor on logic. That is the philosophical crisis that we are in.' In a fascinating and acutely informative interview with Dr Edeling, elements of the official Covid-19 narrative were discussed – a global narrative put forth by, amongst other institutions, the World Health Organisation and the US’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which he believes 'the South African government has slavishly followed without, it seems, any questioning.' "Vax Injuries and Deaths Concealed" Posted in: Drugs. Tagged: Christianity, Covid deaths, Covid mandates, Covid-19, Covid19 vaccine, Death, Death/Life, Deaths, Dr. Peter McCullough, Johnson & Johnson, Life, Moderna, Moderna Adverse reactions, Moderna Vaccine, News, Pfizer, Pfizer Adverse Reaction, Pfizer Boosters, pfizer/Moderna, Political, Politics, Pseudo-Science, Science, true science, truth, Truth/Lies, vaccination, Vaccine Injuries, Vaccines. Leave a comment 'We have learned from the first sets of documents released by Pfizer to the public on the Pfizer-BioNTech (COMIRNATY) vaccine that in the first 90 days of public use, the sponsor received reports on 1,223 deaths and did not disclose this to the public or pull the product off the market in a voluntary recall which is the only responsible action for this type of unexpected death rate.1 To make matters worse, Pfizer categorized 1,291 unique adverse events of special interest with an entire range of diseases that fall into the categories of neurological, cardiovascular, immunologic, and hematologic.2 Additional concerning areas include fetal loss in ill-advised conceiving or childbearing women to take one of the vaccines and the emergence of either de novo or accelerated cancers.3 For all of these reasons, people are protesting in large numbers to stop the vaccine programs whilst CEOs are pushing the fourth shot. The tension could not be any greater. We have a terrific program this week and bring onto the program for the first time, COVID-19 intensive care legend Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, who has had three sets of US Senate Testimony 2020-2022 and is relied upon around the world as the foremost expert in COVID-19 care and the influence of big Pharma corruption.5 Our music segment this week comes from Kevin Frank and is titled "Crying from the Ground," with music and lyrics from Barbara Bruton. So let's get real, let's get loud, on America Out Loud Talk Radio, this is The McCullough Report! The McCullough Report: Sat/Sun 2 PM ET Encore 7 PM – Internationally recognized Dr. Peter A. McCullough, known for his iconic views on the state of medical truth in America and around the globe, pierces through the thin veil of mainstream media stories that skirt the significant issues and provide no tractable basis for durable insight. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on Apple, Android, or Alexa. Each episode goes to major podcast networks early in the week and can be heard on-demand anywhere in the world.' References: 1 2 3 Singh N, Bharara Singh A. S2 subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 interacts with tumor suppressor protein p53 and BRCA: an in silico study. Transl Oncol. 2020;13(10):100814. doi:10.1016/j.tranon.2020.100814 4 5 WAKE UP AMERICA! THIS LIE AND PREMEDITATED PLANNED PANDEMIC AND THE VACCINES THEY'RE PUSHING ARE KILLING YOU! 2/14/2022 2 Comments Oh, Canada ?![]() All of our society's social markers and indexes which measure society's comfort/ security levels are rapidly spiraling down! I first noticed a report on the employment forecast for America. Since the Democrat's illegally ascended to the White House America has increased unemployment numbers in every sector of society! "Since February 2020, employment is down by 370,000 in local government education, by 205,000 in state government education, and by 148,000 in private education. Employment in information changed little in October (+10,000) but is 122,000 lower than in February 2020." Just recently the Consumer Price Index released the latest summary of the trends American consumers/ families are dealing with regarding costs at the grocery store, the gas station clothing. "The consumer price index rose 7.5% in January from a year ago, according to a new Labor Department report released Thursday, marking the fastest increase since February 1982, when inflation hit 7.6%." "Runaway inflation skyrocketed to its highest rate in 40 years in January as consumer prices surged 7.5% from 12 months ago — forcing the average American household to fork out an extra $276 per month. Increases in the cost of food, electricity and rent were among the largest contributors to the red-hot rate, the Labor Department said." Naturally, with the Socialist Agenda being thrust upon our society and the negative impact of this Agenda, America's outlook for the immediate future has also turned bleak. Probably due to the fact the economists also are bleak about America's financial future. "The consumer sentiment index fell to 70.2 earlier this month, down more than 13% from July's reading of 81.2. The sudden drop, which experts described as "rare," "Consumer Confidence Continues Inflation-Driven Nosedive" "Consumer confidence tumbles to 11-year low as inflation ..." Add the rising surge in crime due to Democrats policies against support for law enforcement, I wonder at the complacency which continues to rule over the American public. "FBI Statistics Show a 30% Increase in Murder in 2020. More Evidence That Defunding Police Wasn't a Good Idea." Sep 30th, 2021 "The Deadly Consequences of 'Defund the Police'" Feb 1, 2021 A new study offers a glimpse into how police-force reductions impact crime. "Biden pitches crime plan as urban violence rises" July 12, 2021 President Joe Biden met Monday with Attorney General Merrick Garland and other law enforcement and community leaders from around the nation as a surge in violent crime continues in the nation's largest cities. "New Year Promises Bright Reawakening From Woke Nightmares ..." Since Biden was elected, this free-pass invasion by known undocumented migrants is more than quadruple the number of the previous fiscal year, and the highest annual total on record. Add to this, massive de facto gifts to criminal sex slave and narcotic trafficking cartels who are enriched by these lawless policies. Each one of these grievous "social markers" have come about since Joe Biden and the Democrats began legislating after the 2020 Elections. In Colonial America there was also a pivotal point after which the king of England began initiating "social markers" which the Colonists gradually found impossible to accept; eventually leading to the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. "Major Events That Led to the American Revolution" The following timeline describes the events that led up to the American Revolution, beginning with the end of the French and Indian War in 1763. It follows the thread of increasingly unpopular British policies against the American colonies until the colonists' objections and actions led to open hostility. The war itself would last from 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord until the official end of hostilities in February 1783. The 1783 Treaty of Paris was signed in September to officially end the Revolutionary War. Something like this has occurred in Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has systematically usurped Canadian Freedoms without the consent of the Canadian citizenry. "Canada's Freedom Convoy: Unmasking the Divisiveness of Justin Trudeau" Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau has cornered himself. The right move for Trudeau to extract himself now is to end the useless jab everyone, shut down everything, everywhere prolonged mandates, for which he will inevitably lose some credibility and face. His other options seem to be to wait out the convoy, systematically disrupt the convoy (e.g. parking fines, confiscating jerry cans, continuing the demonization of the protestors), or call in police as he has already done or even the army. Those are all losing options because it signals that he has not read the pulse of the nation and became trapped by his own unpopular mandates. Trudeau has to go. Here is why: "JUSTIN TRUDEAU CHARGED WITH GENOCIDE - MUST WATCH #CORONAVIRUS #5G #CHINA" "Trudeau, EU leaders meet ahead of U.S. election to reinforce support of world order" Americans are unlike the citizens of Canada who have totally and unashamedly endorsed and encouraged the truckers' convoys which have brought Prime Minister Trudeue's Government to a standstill in Ottawa, Canada's capital city. What started out as a few rural Canadian truckers uniting to protest against Trudeau's insufferable mandates has morphisized into a Canadian uprising against Socialist tyranny! "Truckers Still Bringing Canada's Capital City of Ottawa to Standstill in Fight for Freedom'' Saskatchewan premier lifts provincial vaccine requirements as PM Trudeau gets new nickname: Cut-and-Run Justin. "Viva Frei Reports on the Freedom Convoy" Many Americans recognize the parallels of Trudeau's unjust and Anti-Canadian Constitutional mandates to the current Anti-Constitutional mandates from the Democratic President and Socialist Congress! "USA Convoys Aides Trucker Protest" These truck convoys have sprung up around the world! "Jack Posobiec on Canada Protests and Tensions in Eastern Europe" If my gentle readers are not yet connecting the dots, I will try in as few words as I may. This Democratic President and the Congressional Socialists now running our Government are united with the Globalists forces trying to consolidate World Power. The reaction in Europe at these Freedom Truck Convoys appear to be armored tanks! "Harnwell: Macron calls in the tanks to protect "Paris" from the French" Published February 12, 2022 Totaltarian measures such as these are inevitable wherever illegitimate power structures would enforce their lawlessness. We in America may likely have to concede that Joe Biden, and those running our Unconstitutional Congress will also resort to violent Marshal Law against Americans. Already, law abiding American citizens have been unlawfully detained in Washington DC jails since the so called "insurrection" on Jan 6. Americans have been lied to and not given any transparency about the Jan 6 events at the Capital. And Biden and the Congress have only whined and wrung their hands over this American protest against the illegal election since. Americans began to wake up to the fact of America's Socialist/ Communist takeover when they saw some of the materials which their children were being brainwashed with! When parents went to local school board meetings to voice opposition to this indoctrination, the Biden Administration's law enforcement FBI unit began targeting these parents for surveillance! And the HLS chief labeled them "terrorists"! "W(hite)H(ouse) aided school board group's 'domestic terrorism' letter before Garland sicced FBI on parents. Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Attorney General Merrick Garland ... Garland directs FBI to target parents for 'intimidation' at school board meetings" Oct 5 2021 "National School Boards Association declares conservative parents to be domestic terrorists" Oct 2 2021 EXCUSE ME!!! But getting back to Jan 6; Supposedly there are photos of a hooded person "planting" what the FBI later determined to be amateur made bombs near the DNC and the RNC in Washington DC. Though Washington DC has video cameras everywhere near the Government Buildings they say they can not get/ GIVE? us any information on this person except that these bombs were planted Jan 5. Also, supposedly Vice President Harris was either in the DNC or at the White House on Jan 6. The FBI can not confirm either of these stories even though the Secret Service surely was protecting VP Harris the entire time she was in Washington DC and they keep logs of the agents protecting government officials. Hold on, please, because this may have something to do with why our Trump supporters have been languishing in those DC jail cells under 3rd world conditions since their arrests. "Ep. 1704 Where Was Kamala Harris On January 6? And Why It Matters. - The Dan Bongino Show" Published February 11, 2022 One last bit of news which the lying, fake, phony and false Legacy Media news will never report and editorialize about. Apparently the same department of HLS which branded the Mamma and Pappa bear parents at their children's school board meetings as "terrorists" have also decided to brand any American who questions the "science" of the FDA, the CDC and Doctor Anthony Fauci about the Coronavirus Vaccines; Well, we're "terrorists", too! "Ep. 1702 This DHS Memo Is Terrifying - The Dan Bongino Show" Published February 9, 2022 Are you awake yet? Apparently not as awake as our Canadians brothers and sisters up North. Freedom Fighters in Europe are reportedly brandishing Canadian flags. I recall when Freedom fighters in Hong Kong brandished American Flags. Do you? Either we call out Biden and his illegitimate regime, or we allow more and more restricting dismantling of our Freedoms and Rights! As for me and mine, I will declare, "Give me freedom or give me death." We can not afford to keep pretending it will all work out somehow. Obviously, Biden, like Trudeau, is not getting it. I hope you are. ![]() "So too, faith by itself, if it does not result in action, is dead." I for one, am not content, nor do I desire to "wait on God" to move as long as I have a voice and a conscience to recognize injustice and falsehoods. The good Lord Jesus would have us to "I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was a stranger, and ye took me in: (Matthew 25:33-36) In a much larger arena - namely American politics and the government which has been designed to oversee our civil and legislative processes - there is considerable injustice and falsehoods. So many books have been written about them. Today I would ask you to consider exercising your Christian faith towards these injustices and falsehoods. Imagine if the whole of American Christians would begin examining our political leaders and their decisions which are directly impacting our Christian faith in a very negative manner? Today I would ask American Christians, and all Americans who recognize the negative impact of recent political mandates and economic policies, to join together to take a stand. In Canada recently a few semi tractor truck drivers began a convoy headed towards Ottawa, the capital of Canada. They were trying to bring notice to their fellow Canadians about injustices and false premises which are negatively impacting their lives. In a few days these truckers were spread hundreds of miles across Canada as they all made their way toward Ottawa. All of Canada seems to have joined their protest, and the Canadian government is at a loss as to how they might meet these truckers' demands to give them their freedoms back! Of course, the lying mainstream Legacy News is not reporting any of this because, of course, they are part of the injustice and false lies which we in America have too long been putting up with! My cry to you Christian brothers and sister, my cry to you my fellow Americans, is let us join with our Canadian brothers and sisters to the North. Let us join with others here in America, who cry ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! My faith tells me that if we will act to resist this tyranny, God will hear and help us to get our freedoms back. If you believe that together we can make a difference as they have made a difference in Canada, join with me to march on Washington DC and let them know - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! ![]() Often Christians and non Christians are heard to say they have no interest in politics, and they will list two or three reasons to justify their noncommittal stance. Citizens of these United States should not be so uninterested in our political system of government. These governmental systems directly impact our quality of life and will either limit or protect our Constitutional freedoms and judicial processes, and ensure their practical application. Lately our government systems have greatly restricted our Freedoms and civil rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights ! Strictly speaking as an American citizen to other American citizens, I may not be able to persuade you to change your outlook on this issue because our freedoms allow you to have a free pass on taking any responsibility for the Legislative Process of the American Republic. That is your prerogative. Unfortunately such attitudes have led directly to the attacks on our Liberties, which lead to our losing our will to make the government accountable! On the other hand, as one American Christian to other American Christians, I believe I may clearly state a Biblical mandate for why Christians should be interested and actively involved in American Politics. The Greek word used for "fellowship" - as in a Christian Fellowship - is "KOINONIA". Understanding this word as originally intended goes far beyond the idea of the four walls generally associated with Church meeting or community - the "body of Christ" if you will. From an article found at you may find these descriptions: "Like many seeming-nouns in the Greek, the natural result of koinonia is inherent in its existence. That's something we should remember: THERE IS NO FELLOWSHIP WITHOUT ACTION (emphasis mine). Our actions are widely influenced by our associations. Fellowship is both the unity of the group and whatever is brought forth out of that association. For this reason, we are to be careful with whom we have koinonia. Second Corinthians 6:14 says "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?" Our associations direct our actions, and to be bound with unbelievers will inevitably lead to wrong actions. To have koinonia with God and other believers, however, is to find our place in the Body and the work of Christ. One important "ACTION" which Christians are to habitually take part in is the action to "do good". James 4:17 says succinctly, "So for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin." (NASB) In the United States of America we have the legislative process known as voting. This process directly leads to establishing elected individuals who will make laws and uphold laws for the good of the citizens who have elected them. Do you know how many times the Bible mentions "ignorance"? ""49 Bible Verses about ignorance" Source: God would not want his people to be naive or unknowing about what our world is about. This definitely would include our responsibilities regarding who will be passing laws and enforcing them I would submit! Lately I believe many American Christians have been behaving as if they have no understanding or responsibilities regarding our political systems and the legislative processes by which we are being governed. Dear brothers and sisters, as a devout lover of our Savior Jesus, I ask you to please reconsider your complacency if that has been your attitude. |
Francisco HillThese will be from my personal perspective, based upon Biblical principles. As Christians, we must be bold and stand up for what is right. Archives
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