9/7/2015 0 Comments Prayer - IntroductionAll of us pray. Even non-Christians pray. We've all learned table "grace" and "now I lay me down to sleep", and how many times have we heard someone in crisis cry out "Lord!". Well, these are all prayers, but, there is a strong desire within to have a deep relationship with the Father, and that comes through much study and prayer.
We're going to be taking a good long look into different aspects of prayer, and various prayer examples within the Word. Using the tools, below, let us look up "prayer":
9/7/2015 0 Comments Prayer - Lesson 1Below we have six prayer examples. What I would like us to do is answer each question from what we remember from our own studies over the years, or even way back from our Sunday School lessons as a child. Then let us answer once again, after looking up the passages, listed below. Okay, are you ready for some fun?
Now, let's take these same six examples, and take an even deeper look into them.
9/7/2015 0 Comments Prayer - Lesson 2If I were to describe David to anyone, I would say several things. One, he was a man after God's own heart (1 Sam 13:14); Two, he was a mighty conqueror (1 Samuel 17-18): Three, he was a faithful friend (1 Sam 20 + 2 Sam 9); Four, He was a skilled musician (2 Samuel 22:1); Five, he found his strength in the Lord (2 Sam 30:6).
Of his early life, we do not know details, but we do know that he trusted fully upon the Lord to guide, direct and strengthen him for the task of shepherding his fathers sheep. We also know that he often played his harp and sang songs to the Lord. Many of his songs (Psalms) have been recorded, and within them we do truly get to see his heart. Before we start digging into the Psalms, let us take a look at other times that David prayed: Time after time we see him "inquiring of the Lord" before making decisions to move forward in battle, or other areas, such as in preparing to build the temple (2 Samuel 7:8-16). We also see his obedience to the answers of those prayers, even when it meant that he would not be able to follow after a dream, or, like in the case of his son, loosing something of great importance to him.
(My deepest gratitude to CrossWalk for providing the blessing of these great Biblical resources on line!) 9/7/2015 0 Comments Prayer - Lesson 3As mentioned, last time, we will be taking a look at some of the different Psalms (songs and prayers) of David. When viewing them, I would like for us to ask ourselves the following questions, and apply them to each and every one:
Psalm 35:1-10 Psalm 25:1-3 Psalm 25:4-7 Psalm 25:16-21 Pslam 32:5 Psalm 63:1-8 Psalm 92:1-5 Psalm 116:3-4 Psalm 116:8-9 Psalm 119:33-40 and, there are SO many others . . . but this should keep us very busy until next time. Don't forget that if you have any question or comments to post them by clicking on "comments" The one that comes to mind most is Nehemiah. This man lived a life of prayer so much so, that as we read about his life, we almost "miss" the prayers. They are an overflow of his heart, of his thought patterns. He KNOWS that in all things, in each situation, he needs only seek counsel from the Father. Join with me, please in taking a closer look at Nehemiah. As we study, please keep in mind the following questions, and write out how you see each one of these applying to that particular passage:
Nehemiah 2:4-5 1) 2) 3) Here is the second one: Nehemiah 6:0 1) 2) 3) Let us take a look at one other Biblical example of a lifestyle of prayer, again, applying the same three questions: Daniel 6:10-11 1) 2) 3) So, dear ones, we have seen that regular prayer becomes so natural that nothing should be able to break us away from that special time we have set aside, nor should we ever be concerned that He will not answer. Next time, we'll be looking at Intercessory prayer. Don't forget, if you have any thoughts, comments or questions along the way to comment . . . discussions are welcome! When we talk about "intercession" what is it that we really mean? To me it is "standing in the gap" for another. There is a need, and we come before the Lord on their behalf. This is an honor and a privilege! Many are called into intercession, and it is as second nature to them. Many struggle with it, feeling inadequate with their attempts to pray for others. Let's take a look at some of the examples we have on those who interceded for others in God's Word.
Please, read the following passages and then answer the questions below: 2 Kings 6:15-17 Job 1:5-5 Romans 8:27 Genesis 18 Exodus 34:8-9 1. Who interceded for the "stiff-necked" people? 2. Who interceded, daily, for his children? 3. Who interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah? 4. Who interceded for the eyes of his servant to be opened to the spiritual realm? 5. Who intercedes for the saints (those who call upon the name of the Lord)? My favorite intercession in the Word of God is that of Christ, Himself, before He went to Calvary. At the time His earthly life was just about at its end, He prayed for Himself, and then interceded on behalf of His disciples, and then for all believers (us). We will begin to look at this wonderful example next time. In preparation for that, please, read John 17 in several different translations before you begin the next lesson. Don't forget, if you have any thoughts, comments or questions along the way John Chapter 17 shows us the heart of our Savior . . . His deep intercession reveals the depth of His passion for those whom He loves and the extent of His relationship with The Father.
This is basically broken down into three seperate intercessions. In the first prayer (verses 1 - 5) He acknowledges God the Father, their relationship, and the work at hand. He then asks for His life to bring glory back to the Father, and that He would soon be back in glory with Him. The second one (verses 6 - 18) is where He pours out His heart to the Father on behalf of those closest to Him; His disciples. This is the section we will be focusing upon today.
Continuing in John Chapter 17 where we see the heart of our Savior . . . His deep intercession reveals the depth of His passion for those whom He loves and the extent of His relationship with The Father.
This is basically broken down into three seperate intercessions. In the first prayer (verses 1 - 5) He acknowledges God the Father, their relationship, and the work at hand. He then asks for His life to bring glory back to the Father, and that He would soon be back in glory with Him. We looked at the second one (verses 6 - 19), last week, where He poured out His heart to the Father on behalf of those closest to Him; His disciples. Today, we are going to focus on the remaining verses (20 - 26), where his intercession is for all of us. You. Me. Here it is in The Message by Eugene H. Peterson: "I'm praying not only for them but also for those who will believe in me because of them and their witness about me. The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind - just as You, Father, are in me and I in You, so that they might be one heart and mind with us. Then the world might believe that You, in fact, send Me. The same glory You gave me, I gave them, so they'll be as unified and together as We are - I in them and You in Me. Then they'll be mature in thei oneness, and give the godless world evidence that You've sent Me and loved them in the same way You've loved Me. "Father, I want those You gave Me to be with Me, right where I am, so they can see my glory, the splendor You gave me, having loved Me long before there ever was a world. Righteous Father, the world has never known You, but I have known You, and these disciples know that You send me on this mission. I have made Your very being known to them - tho You are and what You do - and continue to make it known, so taht Your love for Me might be in them exactly as I am in in them."
Answer Sheet Available Please look up the following Scriptures, then answer the questions below.
2. What does this mean in your own life? How does this speak to your heart? Let us look at some other examples (you will recognize a few from previous lessons)
4. What was the third reason prayer was not answered right away? 5. Explain what this means to your own prayer life . . . does this help you to understand? Here are some more verses of Scripture that share with us other things that can hinder our prayers. After looking them up, write out what it addresses: 6. Proverbs 28:9 7. James 4:3 8. Hosea 5:4-6 There is one more BIG reason for unanswered prayer in our lives . . . and that is SIN, plain and simple. Often we do not even realize the ways in which our own heart attitudes keep us from having the proper communication with our Lord! One of the greatest of these is "unforgiveness" in our heart . . . but that is another whole study series. This week, why not fast and pray, asking the Lord to reveal to you those areas that you need to work on to help strengthen your walk with Him and better open up the communication times you have with Him. Answer Sheet Available Don't forget, if you have any thoughts, comments or quesitons along the way There are many, many wonderful books available for further study on our topic, and I am going to list a few of my favorites:
Next week, we'll take a look at praise . . . an extension of our prayer life! Don't forget, if you have any thoughts, comments or questions along the way to share them via 'comments'. |
AuthorKarin Lynn-Hill, Minister of the Gospel, writer, singer, speaker, handmaiden of the Most High God ArchivesCategories |
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