9/2/2015 0 Comments Lesson 5 - "The Sinful Woman"Please read Luke 7:36-50) If at all possible, read it in at least two different translations for a better understanding.
This unnamed woman shares with us a beautiful, heart tugging story of repentance and gratefulness for the forgiveness that Jesus offers us all. Jesus used her actions to tell us about receiving and giving pardon in our own lives. 1. What do you suppose went through this woman's heart and mind when she heard that Jesus would be nearby? 2. What actions did she take to see Him? 3. At what risk? HONEST REFLECTION: When I realized the forgiveness that Christ offered me, did I relate in total abandonment as she? Or did I hold back (at times, with certain people) for fear of how they'd react towards me? 4. What were the responses of the Pharisees to her actions? 5. What was the response of Jesus towards them? 6. What was the response of Jesus towards her? Please re-read verse 47. The following excerpt is from tne NIV Full Life Study Bible (c) 1992 Life Publishers International: "SHE LOVED MUCH. Real love for and devotion to Jesus must come from a deep awareness of the sinfulness of our past condition, His love for us revealed when He gave Himself on the cross, and the inner assurance that we are now forgiven and cared for. Faith that is not based on these foundations will not endure." AFTERTHOUGHT: What can I take from this example and how can I apply it to my life today? 1. Jesus accepts us now, today, the way we are. All we need to do is to come to Him with our repentance and desire for a clean, fresh start. 2. Even if the world looks on us with scorn for the things we may have done in the past, Jesus love is pure and all encompassing. He does not laugh at our tears, nor does He ridicule our pouring out our hearts before Him as an offering; in fact, He delights in our coming to Him. 3. In Jesus Christ, our forgiveness is complete and there is no longer any condemnation. We can stand, bold, whole and totally cleansed. A new creation in Him. Ps 119:59 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Ps 147:11 & 149:4
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Compiled by:Karin Lynn-Hill from various sources in 1998 - All the Women of the Bible, by Edith Deen, King James & NIV Bibles & Prayer, Living Bible, & All the Women of the Bible, by Herbert Lockyer ArchivesCategories |
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